I just finished watching a news clip about a woman who came to the aide of a police officer who was being attacked by a man in a traffic pullover. The officer was actually on GMA (Good Morning America) on yesterday to tell the story of how he had been attacked and a "guardian angel" appeared and helped him fight off his attacker. The video was recorded on the officers dash-mounted video camera in his patrol car. Today the two of them were brought together and he now knows who his "guardian angel" was.
I was all smiles as Angela Pierce commented that she went to help the officer out because no one else was stopping. And from watching the video, girlfriend got in some good licks! Why would something so violent make me smile? Because for at least this one time, the bad guy got his!
But not only that, I am married to a retired law enforcement officer, and I have also worked in a related public safety occupation. I know first hand, the threats and dangers of all public safety work, police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel are all vulnerable to the unpredictable and volatile nature of what they do, everyday, day in and day out. They put their own emotions and feelings aside to take care of people when they are at their worst. So I commend and lift up Angela Pierce for her boldness in coming to the rescue of this unknown police officer, perhaps putting her ownself potentially in harms way.
We need more Angela Pierces in the world! More people who are bold enough to stick up for what is right. More people to come to the rescue of whomever needs help. More people to care enough about another fellow human being! Good job Angela!
Peace and Blessings!
R. Fitch
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