Some years back, a woman who was very dear to me and is now gone on to glory, commented that every time she saw me, I was smiling. (Just to let you know, I didn't just wake up one day and start smiling!) I don't recall precisely how the conversation went, but I think I remember saying to her that there is a lot to smile about. I might not be able to smile about everything all at once, but I can smile about what's happening in the moment.
Even at that moment, my joy at seeing her caused me to smile. She was someone whom I greatly admired, and even today, various memories of her cause me to smile. She was very special to me for a number of reasons, perhaps most especially because of our mutual love of music. And it's OK that pleasant memories come to mind from time to time and allow us to feel good and to smile--that's why we can and DO remember good experiences.
And while there may be plenty to frown about, a lot to scowl about, a lot to be negative about, we all have the option to think about more pleasant things. We all have the option to generate positive energy through positive thinking, and taking control of our thoughts, making EVERY thought captive to what is good, what is pleasant, what is true (Philippians 4:8).
These memories, these thoughts, reminded me that people will notice when you smile. And lately, I've been noticing people noticing. They may not smile back, but they are seeing the smile on my face. And if this blog does nothing more than encourage someone to smile today, maybe even tomorrow, then the objective has been accomplished. At the end of the day, if you want to be noticed, if your objective is to be seen, try smiling. Someone just may notice!
Smile On!
R. Fitch
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