Laughing Baby

Laughing Baby
Can U Smile?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Spread the Joy!

This morning, millions of people, literally, had the experience of joyful hearts. Wonderful stories will be shared about the joy of the morning.  There is the personal joy of receiving gifts and being with family and loved ones. There is contagious joy when we see the smiles of others opening gifts, children having fun with their new toys, grandma thrilled with the new pashmina. There is even vicarious joy when our hearts are moved by a heart-warming story like Tyler Perry offering to rebuild the burned home of an 88 year old great-grandmother who lost everything in the fire. The news report said she is raising about seven great-grandchildren and that she and a four-year-old great-granddaughter escaped. ( If you can't smile about at least one of those things, in the wise words a now deceased elder, "it's something bad wrong with you."

Ever notice how people try not to smile when you tell a joke or say something funny, but somehow they can't seem to resist smiling?  Some take longer to "crack a smile," but smiling is often very irresistible. Maybe you have had the occasion of noticing yourself smiling after something similar to the above experiences. Were you surprised at yourself when you realized you were smiling? I think I am going to look more into what's behind the distinctiveness and irresistible nature of smiling--we'll work on that for the coming year.

This is my smile encouragement for Christmas Day 2010. When it happens, try to make a mental note of that feeling of joy. Recognize when the smiles come on your face, sometimes instinctively. Especially take note of smiles that come as you observe the joy of others--that's contagious and vicarious joy!  Whenever you can, when you have the opportunity, try to find a way to help others smile and laugh and feel the joy. And don't let it be something that just happens at Christmas.  I think that's what is really meant by keeping the Spirit of Christmas all year, the intentional desire and purpose of  experiencing and spreading joy. That's the thing to hang on to.  Keep that feeling--SPREAD THE JOY!!!

Joy and Peace!
R. Fitch

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