Laughing Baby

Laughing Baby
Can U Smile?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Find Something Everyday!

I read something a long, long time ago (20+ years!) that said for every bad thing we hear about that happens in the world, there are at least two or three good things that happen. But we have a tendency to focus on the negatives in life and in the world. Perhaps it's the negative things that overwhelm us and often seem larger than life.

It may take some intentionality, but I believe that if we try, even ever so slightly, we can find something to smile about everyday. And it is very often the case, that even if at the end of the day, as we review what happened during the course of the day just past, we may even find something to smile about that was not so pleasant when it happened. Haven't you ever had the experience of rethinking something that happened and realized after the fact, that it really was funny after all?  I know I have. And I often say to those who know me, if I see or hear something funny, I am going to laugh! (I often make this statement about funny things that happen in church--YES, funny things do happen in church and YES, I will laugh!)

Sometimes it's a matter of not taking everything so seriously. Especially ourselves. So this is encouragement to intentionally, deliberately, find something everyday to smile about!

R. Fitch

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